Baud (final Prototype) Mac OS

broken image

From DP

The monochrome LCD screen displayed 336 x 240 pixels. A 9600 baud fax modem was optional. Software patches updated the OS from version 1.0 to 1.0.5. A new ROM upgrade with Newton OS 1.1 became available on October 30, 1993 that could be installed by an Apple Authorized Service Provider. The final patch was version 1.1.1. In short, no matter whether you are trying to build a wireframe, mockup or prototype project, Mockplus could be a nice choice. Pencil project is a simple and open-source GUI prototyping tool for Mac UX/UI designers to create mockups. This Mac 512K Blog article is the most in-depth technical investigation of a prototype Twiggy Mac that has ever been published online. The Story of this Twiggy Mac OldMacGuy recounted a story that was similar to that of the Twiggy Mac that was widely publicized in 2013: it had been found in storage after its original owner died. On OS X 10.2, for example, it's fairly straightforward to open a serial line in /etc/ttys But newer versions of Mac OS X don't use that file the same way. I found that the instructions on this page, Serial console login on OS X, worked for me on Mac OS X 10.5.8. In the Terminal application, type.

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Project Summary
Name: Bus Pirate
Buy it:Get one for $27.15 at Seeed Studio
Price: $27.15
Forum:Bus Pirate Forum
  • Bus Pirate v3.6 is also available at Adafruit Industries (USA) EpicTinker (USA) Watterott Electronic (Germany) Evola (Europe) Anibit (USA) Hackaday (USA)

The Bus Pirate is an open source hacker multi-tool that talks to electronic stuff. It's got a bunch of features an intrepid hacker might need to prototype their next project. This manual is an effort to link all available Bus Pirate information in one place.

  • Read about the Bus Pirate v3 design; the v3b update; and the v3.5 update.

An initial batch of Bus Pirate v4 is now available to early adopters and testers. We think v3.x is still the best choice for most people, but v4 is the way of the future.

  • 1Introduction
  • 3Reference
  • 4Application guides
    • 4.1JTAG
  • 6Firmware upgrades
  • 7Hardware documentation



  • Features overview (original)



  • Bus Pirate 101 tutorial (original)
  • Bus Pirate 102 tutorial (original)


Linux, OS X


kallisti5 has started a Bus Pirate community firmware project: to include the important fixes and clean-ups, committed by several prominent community members, and to continue its' future development.

Although the primary target of community is to significantly improve the user experience for Bus Pirate v4, the Bus Pirate v3 support will be maintained at all costs (despite the difficulties while compiling with the recent MPLAB XC16 compilers)

Source code and build instructions:

Latest builds of Bus Pirate community project (updated - 18th September 2016)


  • 1) BPv3 - different optimization firmware builds only (you could read why - at the bottom of this thread - )
  • 2) BPv4 - three directories:

  • 3) SHA1_checksums.txt inside each directory

About the optimization levels:

Even on level 3 my BPv4 passes a self test successfully, no errors. So you could try a stronger optimization first, and then - if it is causing you some issues - you tell us about them on Github and meanwhile could use a lighter optimization version (such as level 0 or 1)

Special builds of BPv3 firmware - extra features enabled!

Your feedback and patches are welcome! Here:

Old legacy stuff:

However, if for some reason you would like to install the official v6.1 firmware (almost 5 years old!), we wouldn't stop you. Here is a link to its' package:

Alternatively, you could get the sources for slightly newer (but still old) official v6.3 firmware:

but please note that you will need to compile it by yourself (cannot find a compiled hex file for it)


User terminal mode

The Bus Pirate is accessed from a command line in a serial terminal. The Bus Pirate always starts in high impedance mode (Hi-Z), a safe mode with all outputs disabled. It's intended to protect any connected devices from conditions beyond their specifications. From there, a bus mode can be selected to use the Bus Pirate with a specific protocol.

  • Bus modes (main firmware): 1-Wire, UART, I2C, SPI, raw 2-wire, raw 3-wire, HD44780 LCDs, MIDI
  • Bus modes (bonus firmware, v5.9+): PC keyboard, DIO, JTAG

Binary scripting mode

The Bus Pirate has a binary access mode that can be used with software or scripts. There's example scripts in C, Python, Perl, and more in the GitHub repository.

Binmode protocol pages: bitbang, SPI, I2C, UART, 1-Wire, and raw-wire.

A guide to getting started with the pyBusPirateLite Python library: Bus Pirate Scripting in Python

I/O header and hardware

Various probe cable pinouts

Application guides

Several applications can use the Bus Pirate as a programmer or debugger.

Baud (final Prototype) Mac Os Catalina


The Bus Pirate is a slow serial port device intended for human-speed interaction. It was NEVER intended to do JTAG duties. Because it's open source, cheap, and versatile, the community hacked various JTAG features into it. They're great in a pinch, but no substitute for the real thing!

The Bus Pirate supports JTAG in three ways: with the OpenOCD debug application, as an XSVF player, and through a user-mode terminal interface.

JTAG and OpenOCD

The Bus Pirate is supported as a JTAG programmer/debugger by OpenOCD. If your target is supported by OpenOCD it may work. Slowly :) You will need to use a Bus Pirate firmware version which supports the binary JTAG protocol — not all do.

Version Banner Works?
6.1 Firmware v6.1 r1676 enabled
6.0 Firmware v6.0 r1625 enabled
5.10 Firmware v5.10 (r559) disabled
5.9-extras Firmware v5.9 (r529) [HiZ 2WIRE 3WIRE KEYB LCD DIO] disabled
5.9 Firmware v5.9 (r539) disabled
5.8 Firmware v5.8 (r504) enabled
robots custom Firmware v6.0RC (r572) enabled

Note that the above is about binary JTAG / OpenOCD support. JTAG terminal mode is not enabled in any of the above firmwares (not even 5.9-extras, even though it was advertised to be enabled in there at some point).

FPGA and CPLD programming

Fi Shu Mi Gun (MC/TM) (Lite Edition) Mac OS. As a stand-alone XSVF player to program CPLDs/FPGAs. This requires a simple firmware swap.

JTAG terminal mode

The -extras firmware has a the old user terminal JTAG mode from the Hack a Day demo. This was removed from the main firmware because nobody used it - it isn't particularly useful to enter JTAG commands manually. (OpenOCD uses the binary JTAG mode, which is different from the user terminal JTAG mode.)

AVR programming

The Bus Pirate can be used to program Atmel AVR microcontrollers. AVRDUDE version 5.8 and later support the Bus Pirate as a programmer directly. AVRDude is the most common software for programming AVR microcontrollers. Many packages such as WinAVR and the Arduino IDE bundle a version of AVRDude.

There is also an alternate firmware that can be installed on to Bus Pirate to make it an STK500 v2 AVR programmer clone.

  • See Bus Pirate AVR Programming - Instructions and resources for AVR programming with the Bus Pirate.


A flash chip programmer for Linux and Windows.

  • flashrom bios/flash programmer (Latest Windows compile from forum)

Logic Analyzer with SUMP

The Bus Pirate can act as a low speed logic analyzer using a SUMP-compatible protocol. Jawi's latest OLS client includes extended support for the Bus Pirate.

  • Logic analyzer mode (original)

Oscilloscope (very low speed)

  • PirateScope in GIT (Python, Discussion)


Baud (final Prototype) Mac Os Sierra

Chip demonstrations

Here's a comprehensive list of Bus Pirate chip demonstrations. It includes Ian's old demonstrations from Hack a Day, and the most recent demos from Dangerous Prototypes. Tutorials are arranged by Bus Pirate hardware version.

Bus Pirate v4

Bus Pirate v2&v3

  • MMA7455L 3-axis accelerometer (SPI, IC2)
  • 3EEPROM explorer board (original), DS2431 (1wire), 24AA (I2C), 25AA (SPI)
  • Wii Nunchuck quick guide (original) (I2C)
  • iButton serial number (original) (1-Wire)
  • 2AA02E48 EEPROM with MAC address (original) (I2C)
  • HD44780 LCD adapter v2 (LCD)
  • DS1307 real time clock (original) (I2C)
  • NA204SD02 Futaba VFD character display (raw2wire)
  • SLE4442 (FedEx Kinko's) smart card update (original) (raw2wire)
  • 25AA/25LC serial EEPROM (SPI)
  • ShiftBrite with A6281 3 channel LED driver (SPI)
  • PCF8563 real time clock calendar (I2C)
  • Sure LED matrix (original) (raw3wire)
  • AT45DB041D 4Mbit flash memory (original) (SPI)
  • HMC6352 digital compass (original) (I2C)
  • Parallax RFID reader (original) (UART)
  • KS0074 serial LCD (original) (SPI)
  • SURE DE-DP014 character matrix (raw3wire)
  • 23K256 32K serial RAM (SPI)
  • DS28EA00 temperature sensor (1-Wire)
  • MCP9800 temperature sensor (I2C)
  • DS18S20 temperature sensor (1-Wire) (Original)

Diana ross and the supremes greatest hits rar software. Bus Pirate v1a

  • LTC2640 digital to analog converter (SPI, raw3wire)
  • LTC2631A digital to analog converter (I2C)
  • PC keyboard (PC Keyboard)
  • DS1807 audio volume potentiometer (I2C)
  • SparkFun 4×4 RGB button pad controller (raw3wire)
  • DS1801 audio volume potentiometer (SPI)
  • MCP6S26 programmable gain amplifier (raw3wire)

Bus Pirate v0a

  • 24LC1024 EEPROM (I2C)
  • EM406 GPS (UART)
  • SLE4442 (FedEx Kinko's) smart card (raw2 wire)
  • DS1077 133MHz programmable oscillator (I2C)
  • XC9572XL CPLD (JTAG)
  • DS1822 temperature sensor (1-Wire)
  • PCF8574 IO Expander (I2C)
  • DS2431 1K EEPROM (1-Wire)
  • SHT1x/7x humidity and temperature sensor (raw2wire)
  • TC74 temperature sensor (I2C)

User submitted hacks and demos Adobe pdf creator app.

  • Wii Motion Plus controller (I2C)
  • Nokia 3310 LCD (binary SPI)
  • Hack the MD80 firmware to remove the date display (SPI sniffer)
  • Program STM32 (raw2wire)
  • I2C magnetic compass sensor (I2C)
  • TK-1315LA GPS (serial UART)
  • MAX147 ADC (SPI)
  • MMA7456L three-axis accelerometer (I2C/SPI)
  • FSA03 GPS (serial UART)
  • Wavecom GSM modem (serial UART bridge)
  • Zeno zit zapper tip reset (I2C)
  • 1-Wire iButton (1-Wire)
  • Bus Pirate high voltage power supply (PWM)
  • Sniffing between smartcard & terminal (serial UART at arbitrary baudrate)
  • AK8975 magnetometer (I2C)
  • TMP102 temperature sensor (I2C)
  • MMA8453Q accelerometer (I2C)
  • Thinkpad T30 password reset (I2C)
  • BPv4 HD66717 I2C demo (I2C)

Bus Pirate Education Kit

  • mentioned in Workshop Video 52, and a preliminary DIP and nylon breadboard friendly parts manifest, pending a formal webpage with lab experiment write-ups

Firmware upgrades

Instructions for changing the firmware in a Bus Pirate over USB.

Updating Bus Pirate v4

Updating Bus Pirate v3

This section is for Bus Pirate v3.x with bootloader version 4+. See the next section for more bootloader information.

  • Pirate-Loader console upgrade application (Linux, Mac, Windows) (original)
  • ds30 Loader GUI (original) (Mono/.NET)

Follow these instructions to load new firmware, older firmware (v4+ only), the extras firmware, or the XSVF player firmware.

Bus Pirate v3 bootloader upgrades

The bootloader is a small program in the Bus Pirate that installs the firmware upgrade. The bootloader itself can also be upgraded with a small amount of effort. This is not normally required.

Baud (final Prototype) Mac Os 7

Program with a programmer

How to put the bootloader in a new chip or replace a damaged bootloader. Alien force (atari) mac os.

Hardware documentation

Bus Pirate v3.x

v3.6 is a minor update to v3 available from June 2012. All changes are cosmetic, v3.6 works exactly the same as previous v3s.

v3a, v3b, and v3.5 were available from October 2009 to June 2012. A similar version is sold by SparkFun.

  • v3b hardware overview (original)
  • v3a hardware overview (original)

v3.x is based on the original v2go circuit using a PIC24FJ64GA002 microcontroller.

Bus Pirate v4.x

v4 is currently in development. The first batch is available, but the hardware is still experimental.

Baud (final prototype) mac os 8
Project Summary
Name: Bus Pirate
Buy it:Get one for $27.15 at Seeed Studio
Price: $27.15
Forum:Bus Pirate Forum
  • Bus Pirate v3.6 is also available at Adafruit Industries (USA) EpicTinker (USA) Watterott Electronic (Germany) Evola (Europe) Anibit (USA) Hackaday (USA)

The Bus Pirate is an open source hacker multi-tool that talks to electronic stuff. It's got a bunch of features an intrepid hacker might need to prototype their next project. This manual is an effort to link all available Bus Pirate information in one place.

  • Read about the Bus Pirate v3 design; the v3b update; and the v3.5 update.

An initial batch of Bus Pirate v4 is now available to early adopters and testers. We think v3.x is still the best choice for most people, but v4 is the way of the future.

  • 1Introduction
  • 3Reference
  • 4Application guides
    • 4.1JTAG
  • 6Firmware upgrades
  • 7Hardware documentation



  • Features overview (original)



  • Bus Pirate 101 tutorial (original)
  • Bus Pirate 102 tutorial (original)


Linux, OS X


kallisti5 has started a Bus Pirate community firmware project: to include the important fixes and clean-ups, committed by several prominent community members, and to continue its' future development.

Although the primary target of community is to significantly improve the user experience for Bus Pirate v4, the Bus Pirate v3 support will be maintained at all costs (despite the difficulties while compiling with the recent MPLAB XC16 compilers)

Source code and build instructions:

Latest builds of Bus Pirate community project (updated - 18th September 2016)


  • 1) BPv3 - different optimization firmware builds only (you could read why - at the bottom of this thread - )
  • 2) BPv4 - three directories:

  • 3) SHA1_checksums.txt inside each directory

About the optimization levels:

Even on level 3 my BPv4 passes a self test successfully, no errors. So you could try a stronger optimization first, and then - if it is causing you some issues - you tell us about them on Github and meanwhile could use a lighter optimization version (such as level 0 or 1)

Special builds of BPv3 firmware - extra features enabled!

Your feedback and patches are welcome! Here:

Old legacy stuff:

However, if for some reason you would like to install the official v6.1 firmware (almost 5 years old!), we wouldn't stop you. Here is a link to its' package:

Alternatively, you could get the sources for slightly newer (but still old) official v6.3 firmware:

but please note that you will need to compile it by yourself (cannot find a compiled hex file for it)


User terminal mode

The Bus Pirate is accessed from a command line in a serial terminal. The Bus Pirate always starts in high impedance mode (Hi-Z), a safe mode with all outputs disabled. It's intended to protect any connected devices from conditions beyond their specifications. From there, a bus mode can be selected to use the Bus Pirate with a specific protocol.

  • Bus modes (main firmware): 1-Wire, UART, I2C, SPI, raw 2-wire, raw 3-wire, HD44780 LCDs, MIDI
  • Bus modes (bonus firmware, v5.9+): PC keyboard, DIO, JTAG

Binary scripting mode

The Bus Pirate has a binary access mode that can be used with software or scripts. There's example scripts in C, Python, Perl, and more in the GitHub repository.

Binmode protocol pages: bitbang, SPI, I2C, UART, 1-Wire, and raw-wire.

A guide to getting started with the pyBusPirateLite Python library: Bus Pirate Scripting in Python

I/O header and hardware

Various probe cable pinouts

Application guides

Several applications can use the Bus Pirate as a programmer or debugger.

Baud (final Prototype) Mac Os Catalina


The Bus Pirate is a slow serial port device intended for human-speed interaction. It was NEVER intended to do JTAG duties. Because it's open source, cheap, and versatile, the community hacked various JTAG features into it. They're great in a pinch, but no substitute for the real thing!

The Bus Pirate supports JTAG in three ways: with the OpenOCD debug application, as an XSVF player, and through a user-mode terminal interface.

JTAG and OpenOCD

The Bus Pirate is supported as a JTAG programmer/debugger by OpenOCD. If your target is supported by OpenOCD it may work. Slowly :) You will need to use a Bus Pirate firmware version which supports the binary JTAG protocol — not all do.

Version Banner Works?
6.1 Firmware v6.1 r1676 enabled
6.0 Firmware v6.0 r1625 enabled
5.10 Firmware v5.10 (r559) disabled
5.9-extras Firmware v5.9 (r529) [HiZ 2WIRE 3WIRE KEYB LCD DIO] disabled
5.9 Firmware v5.9 (r539) disabled
5.8 Firmware v5.8 (r504) enabled
robots custom Firmware v6.0RC (r572) enabled

Note that the above is about binary JTAG / OpenOCD support. JTAG terminal mode is not enabled in any of the above firmwares (not even 5.9-extras, even though it was advertised to be enabled in there at some point).

FPGA and CPLD programming

Fi Shu Mi Gun (MC/TM) (Lite Edition) Mac OS. As a stand-alone XSVF player to program CPLDs/FPGAs. This requires a simple firmware swap.

JTAG terminal mode

The -extras firmware has a the old user terminal JTAG mode from the Hack a Day demo. This was removed from the main firmware because nobody used it - it isn't particularly useful to enter JTAG commands manually. (OpenOCD uses the binary JTAG mode, which is different from the user terminal JTAG mode.)

AVR programming

The Bus Pirate can be used to program Atmel AVR microcontrollers. AVRDUDE version 5.8 and later support the Bus Pirate as a programmer directly. AVRDude is the most common software for programming AVR microcontrollers. Many packages such as WinAVR and the Arduino IDE bundle a version of AVRDude.

There is also an alternate firmware that can be installed on to Bus Pirate to make it an STK500 v2 AVR programmer clone.

  • See Bus Pirate AVR Programming - Instructions and resources for AVR programming with the Bus Pirate.


A flash chip programmer for Linux and Windows.

  • flashrom bios/flash programmer (Latest Windows compile from forum)

Logic Analyzer with SUMP

The Bus Pirate can act as a low speed logic analyzer using a SUMP-compatible protocol. Jawi's latest OLS client includes extended support for the Bus Pirate.

  • Logic analyzer mode (original)

Oscilloscope (very low speed)

  • PirateScope in GIT (Python, Discussion)


Baud (final Prototype) Mac Os Sierra

Chip demonstrations

Here's a comprehensive list of Bus Pirate chip demonstrations. It includes Ian's old demonstrations from Hack a Day, and the most recent demos from Dangerous Prototypes. Tutorials are arranged by Bus Pirate hardware version.

Bus Pirate v4

Bus Pirate v2&v3

  • MMA7455L 3-axis accelerometer (SPI, IC2)
  • 3EEPROM explorer board (original), DS2431 (1wire), 24AA (I2C), 25AA (SPI)
  • Wii Nunchuck quick guide (original) (I2C)
  • iButton serial number (original) (1-Wire)
  • 2AA02E48 EEPROM with MAC address (original) (I2C)
  • HD44780 LCD adapter v2 (LCD)
  • DS1307 real time clock (original) (I2C)
  • NA204SD02 Futaba VFD character display (raw2wire)
  • SLE4442 (FedEx Kinko's) smart card update (original) (raw2wire)
  • 25AA/25LC serial EEPROM (SPI)
  • ShiftBrite with A6281 3 channel LED driver (SPI)
  • PCF8563 real time clock calendar (I2C)
  • Sure LED matrix (original) (raw3wire)
  • AT45DB041D 4Mbit flash memory (original) (SPI)
  • HMC6352 digital compass (original) (I2C)
  • Parallax RFID reader (original) (UART)
  • KS0074 serial LCD (original) (SPI)
  • SURE DE-DP014 character matrix (raw3wire)
  • 23K256 32K serial RAM (SPI)
  • DS28EA00 temperature sensor (1-Wire)
  • MCP9800 temperature sensor (I2C)
  • DS18S20 temperature sensor (1-Wire) (Original)

Diana ross and the supremes greatest hits rar software. Bus Pirate v1a

  • LTC2640 digital to analog converter (SPI, raw3wire)
  • LTC2631A digital to analog converter (I2C)
  • PC keyboard (PC Keyboard)
  • DS1807 audio volume potentiometer (I2C)
  • SparkFun 4×4 RGB button pad controller (raw3wire)
  • DS1801 audio volume potentiometer (SPI)
  • MCP6S26 programmable gain amplifier (raw3wire)

Bus Pirate v0a

  • 24LC1024 EEPROM (I2C)
  • EM406 GPS (UART)
  • SLE4442 (FedEx Kinko's) smart card (raw2 wire)
  • DS1077 133MHz programmable oscillator (I2C)
  • XC9572XL CPLD (JTAG)
  • DS1822 temperature sensor (1-Wire)
  • PCF8574 IO Expander (I2C)
  • DS2431 1K EEPROM (1-Wire)
  • SHT1x/7x humidity and temperature sensor (raw2wire)
  • TC74 temperature sensor (I2C)

User submitted hacks and demos Adobe pdf creator app.

  • Wii Motion Plus controller (I2C)
  • Nokia 3310 LCD (binary SPI)
  • Hack the MD80 firmware to remove the date display (SPI sniffer)
  • Program STM32 (raw2wire)
  • I2C magnetic compass sensor (I2C)
  • TK-1315LA GPS (serial UART)
  • MAX147 ADC (SPI)
  • MMA7456L three-axis accelerometer (I2C/SPI)
  • FSA03 GPS (serial UART)
  • Wavecom GSM modem (serial UART bridge)
  • Zeno zit zapper tip reset (I2C)
  • 1-Wire iButton (1-Wire)
  • Bus Pirate high voltage power supply (PWM)
  • Sniffing between smartcard & terminal (serial UART at arbitrary baudrate)
  • AK8975 magnetometer (I2C)
  • TMP102 temperature sensor (I2C)
  • MMA8453Q accelerometer (I2C)
  • Thinkpad T30 password reset (I2C)
  • BPv4 HD66717 I2C demo (I2C)

Bus Pirate Education Kit

  • mentioned in Workshop Video 52, and a preliminary DIP and nylon breadboard friendly parts manifest, pending a formal webpage with lab experiment write-ups

Firmware upgrades

Instructions for changing the firmware in a Bus Pirate over USB.

Updating Bus Pirate v4

Updating Bus Pirate v3

This section is for Bus Pirate v3.x with bootloader version 4+. See the next section for more bootloader information.

  • Pirate-Loader console upgrade application (Linux, Mac, Windows) (original)
  • ds30 Loader GUI (original) (Mono/.NET)

Follow these instructions to load new firmware, older firmware (v4+ only), the extras firmware, or the XSVF player firmware.

Bus Pirate v3 bootloader upgrades

The bootloader is a small program in the Bus Pirate that installs the firmware upgrade. The bootloader itself can also be upgraded with a small amount of effort. This is not normally required.

Baud (final Prototype) Mac Os 7

Program with a programmer

How to put the bootloader in a new chip or replace a damaged bootloader. Alien force (atari) mac os.

Hardware documentation

Bus Pirate v3.x

v3.6 is a minor update to v3 available from June 2012. All changes are cosmetic, v3.6 works exactly the same as previous v3s.

v3a, v3b, and v3.5 were available from October 2009 to June 2012. A similar version is sold by SparkFun.

  • v3b hardware overview (original)
  • v3a hardware overview (original)

v3.x is based on the original v2go circuit using a PIC24FJ64GA002 microcontroller.

Bus Pirate v4.x

v4 is currently in development. The first batch is available, but the hardware is still experimental.

  • See it come to life, v4 development history and prototypes

Legacy hardware

Bus Pirate v2go was the first USB Bus Pirate. Around 1000 were sold as a fundraiser for Hack a Day. The PCB is black.

v1a and v0a were serial port Bus Pirate prototypes. Fundamental Logic briefly sold a through-hole kit for v1a.


Known Defects

Manufacturing resources

We maintain a combined bootloader/firmware flash image to assist in manufacturing.

  • bpv3-BL44FW510-DUMP.hex is bootloader v4.4 with firmware v5.10

There is also an automated self-test utility, but it is generally slower than doing it manually

Cases and accessories

  • LCD adapter v2 ($9)
  • Probe cable ($4.99)
  • Synthetos laser-cut acrylic case ($14.99)
  • Bus Pirate LCD adapter v1 deprecated



  • PCB art: CC-0
  • Bootloader: GPL (from ds30 Loader project)
  • Firmware: CC-0
  • The Bus Pirate pinout, menu, and command tables are released into the public domain.
Retrieved from ''

broken image